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合言葉は「We have the power to make you HAPPY !!!」
★ 主な活動歴 ★
・2003 紫ベビードール結成
・2006 バーレスク世界大会にて【Best Troupe(最優秀団体賞)】受賞
・2007 同大会にてViolet EVA【Best Debut(最優秀新人賞)】 獲得
・2013 パリ バーレスクフェスティバル 出演
・2015 カナダ トロント バーレスクフェスティバルに出演
・2018 FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL アーティスト枠 5度目の出演
・2018 結成15周年 記念写真展を開催
・2023 結成20周年 記念イベント開催
A Pop and kitschy dance performance group for LOVE ♡MURASAKI BABYDOLL is made up of "Babies" wearing babydoll dresses & colorful wigs and"Cherry Boys" wearing bikini pants!*
In 2005, we made our debut on American Burlesque scene.
In 2006, we won "Best Troupe" prize atMISS EXOTIC WORLD PAGEANT & STRIPTEASE REUNION (now called Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekend).
And the following year, Violet EVA also won "Best Debut" at the same pageant.* In 2006, 2012 and 2013, we performed at FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL.*
In 2013, we made the first Europe performance at Paris Burlesque Festival as the first Japanese burlesque unit.
We also had the honor of closing the event with a performance as well.
We've organized a special quarterly event "MURASAKI BABYDOLL's Wonderful World TV!”Again in 2013 as the 10th anniversary of the unit's formation,we produced a 2 day event performed by us alone and was a great success.
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